Dec 29, 2010

KLEPON ( Javanese traditional cake )

- 125 g sweet potatoes, steamed, mashed
- 200 g sticky rice flour
- 125 ml coconut milk from half coconut
- 2 tablespoons water suji (suji leaf from 15 sheets and 5 pieces of pandan leaves)
- 3 drops of green dye
- 30 g sugar palm to content

Material topping:
- 100 gr grated coconut rough
- 1 / 4 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon sesame seeds, roasted

1. Steam the grated coconut that has been given the coarse salt for 20 minutes. Set aside.
2. Mix the sweet, sticky rice flour, coconut milk little by little suji water, and green dye. Mix well.
3. Take 50 grams of dough. Steam for 5 minutes over high heat.
4. Mix the dough again into crude. Knead until smooth.
5. Take a little dough. Fill with brown sugar. Cone shape. It should be noted, that when wrapped stuffing with the dough should be completely sealed for the content does not berhambur out when boiled.
6. Boil in boiling water until floating. Remove and drain.
7. Roll in mixture of coconut and sesame. For 30 pieces

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