Dec 28, 2010

Rendang ( from indonesia / Sumatra Barat )

1 kg beef, cut and finished about 15 pieces (See picture)
2 liters of coconut milk 3 eggs from old coconut grated and squeezed.
1 stalk lemongrass, crushed
1 sheet turmeric leaf
5 lime leaves, tied with turmeric leaf
Spices that are:

12-20 red chillies, ground
6 red onions
3 cloves garlic
1 cm ginger
5 cm galangal / laos
salt to taste

Cook the coconut milk with turmeric leaves, lime leaves and lemongrass. Then enterthe spice paste to a boil and reduce the heat.
Then enter the meat already cut into pieces and keep stirring with the average formature evenly.
Cook meat over medium heat until thickened coconut milk and a bit dry and the meathas become tender.
Once served hot or cold according to individual taste. Most comfortable if dihidanganwith White Rice.
For 6-8 people.

Note: For more fragrant, usually used to flavor the pan-fried mashed with 2tablespoons vegetable oil and insert the pieces of meat. Just enter the coconut milklast.

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